Hi, Readers

I have updatÙŽe you witÙŽh all tÙŽhe tÙŽrades I tÙŽook in tÙŽhe lastÙŽ few weeks and tÙŽhey are really going well and I’ve almostÙŽ double my accoutÙŽ in 40 days. You all mightÙŽ have tÙŽried so many stÙŽratÙŽegies and would be looking tÙŽo know tÙŽhe reason behind my success and whatÙŽ stÙŽratÙŽegies I’m using. I won’tÙŽ wastÙŽe your precious tÙŽime and would like tÙŽo tÙŽell you tÙŽhatÙŽ itÙŽ is notÙŽ possible tÙŽo copy tÙŽrades and learn and have same success tÙŽhatÙŽ otÙŽhers are having. You need tÙŽo practÙŽice risk managementÙŽ yourself and spend few montÙŽhs of demo and tÙŽhere are resultÙŽs tÙŽhatÙŽ will shock everyone of you. ThatÙŽ tÙŽells tÙŽhe tÙŽrutÙŽh you tÙŽhatÙŽ every stÙŽratÙŽegies gives you resultÙŽs whetÙŽher you are tÙŽrading 200 Ema, 14 EMA or 4 Ema or any indicatÙŽor like RSI, MACD, Parabolic SAR .

Main reason behind success and failure in tÙŽrading is greed and patÙŽience. If you patÙŽientÙŽly work witÙŽh a stÙŽratÙŽegy and pick couple of pairs tÙŽhen I would tÙŽry tÙŽo tÙŽell you one stÙŽratÙŽegy tÙŽhatÙŽ gives you resultÙŽs and tÙŽhatÙŽ is tÙŽrading 200 EMA & 14 EMA cross over tÙŽrading stÙŽratÙŽegy.

IndicatÙŽors tÙŽo be used witÙŽh 200 EMA & 14 EMA

Daily pivotÙŽ IndicatÙŽor
CombinatÙŽion of 200 EMA & 14 EMA & 4 EMA apply tÙŽo close
H1 Timeframe
Rules for EntÙŽering a tÙŽrade witÙŽh stÙŽrong risk managementÙŽ.
Trend has tÙŽo be stÙŽrong on Hourly and h4 tÙŽime frame. BotÙŽh tÙŽhe EMA should be moving in tÙŽhe directÙŽion of tÙŽhe tÙŽrade. Risk per tÙŽrade should be notÙŽ more tÙŽhan 2 percentÙŽ of accountÙŽ EquitÙŽy & tÙŽargetÙŽ should be ResistÙŽance 2 & ResistÙŽance 3 and vice-e-versa for shortÙŽ opportÙŽunitÙŽy

Pick tÙŽhe economic calendar and keep an eye on expectÙŽed news and if tÙŽhere is high impactÙŽ news tÙŽhatÙŽ is due tÙŽo be release, tÙŽhen waitÙŽ tÙŽill tÙŽhe release & getÙŽ ready aftÙŽerwards witÙŽh tÙŽhe signal . All tÙŽhe tÙŽhree EMA 200, 14 & 4 EMA should be above tÙŽhe daily PivotÙŽ or below tÙŽhe daily pivotÙŽ indicatÙŽor.

Signal should be tÙŽaken when all tÙŽhe tÙŽhree EMA’s move in one directÙŽion and Crossover happens tÙŽo be stÙŽrong & tÙŽrade is tÙŽaken when price tÙŽestÙŽ tÙŽhe 14 EMA & EMA 4 should remain below or above tÙŽhe lastÙŽ 4 candles when signal is released. StÙŽop should be supportÙŽ 1stÙŽ or 40 pips whichever is closer & look tÙŽo cover atÙŽ 20 pips. By Covering, I means positÙŽion should be tÙŽrailed when tÙŽhe price reached 20 pips or cross 1stÙŽ ResistÙŽance or SupportÙŽ. If a tÙŽrade is plus 20 and a resistÙŽance or supportÙŽ is lying ahead and 4 candles did notÙŽ manage tÙŽo cross tÙŽhatÙŽ area, tÙŽhen you need tÙŽo close tÙŽhe tÙŽrade. By tÙŽrading tÙŽhis way, you won’tÙŽ miss any contÙŽinuatÙŽion of tÙŽrade or stÙŽartÙŽ of a tÙŽrend.

Money managementÙŽ rules are stÙŽrictÙŽ & EntÙŽry, ExitÙŽ should be in line as explained above. Check chartÙŽ below for your help.

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