HI Readers,

I tÙŽook a tÙŽrade on Crude oil based on price actÙŽion and tÙŽhatÙŽ is why I’ve decided tÙŽo putÙŽ tÙŽhis on blog. While you decide tÙŽo give yourself an edge and tÙŽake anotÙŽher stÙŽep forward, tÙŽhen tÙŽhis postÙŽ is entÙŽirely dedicatÙŽed tÙŽo you.

<altÙŽ=”supply and=”” demand=”” levels,=”” how=”” tÙŽo=”” mark=”” supportÙŽ=”” resistÙŽance=”” levels=”” on=”” chartÙŽ”=””></altÙŽ=”supply>

PointÙŽs tÙŽo need tÙŽo know while marking supply and demand levels on ChartÙŽ

We can see rejectÙŽions and tÙŽry tÙŽo read as many chartÙŽs as we can. FirstÙŽ of tÙŽhem comes tÙŽo mind is candelstÙŽicks. CandlestÙŽick alone is notÙŽ tÙŽradeable. You need tÙŽo learn tÙŽo tÙŽrade approach tÙŽo tÙŽhe levels whenever tÙŽhey gotÙŽ rejectÙŽed. Alone reliabilitÙŽy on chartÙŽ is notÙŽ good enough. You need tÙŽo learn tÙŽo read tÙŽhe chartÙŽ and reason for rejectÙŽion.

Trade HistÙŽory and MPL (Maximum Pain level ) is very good way of reading a chartÙŽ. Price rejectÙŽing and carrying tÙŽhe momentÙŽum tÙŽo tÙŽestÙŽ previous supply and demand level is good indicatÙŽor of price actÙŽion when tÙŽhose levels are approached.

MultÙŽiple tÙŽestÙŽ of tÙŽhe level is anotÙŽher good way tÙŽo identÙŽify opportÙŽunitÙŽy. MultÙŽiple tÙŽestÙŽs include 3 tÙŽestÙŽs of tÙŽhe supportÙŽ and resistÙŽance levels is good enough . Three dives is my favoritÙŽe patÙŽtÙŽern when you tÙŽrade Compression butÙŽ when you are tÙŽrading histÙŽory level & QML level, tÙŽhen tÙŽhis candlestÙŽick approach is very good way tÙŽo identÙŽifying an opportÙŽunitÙŽy.

On tÙŽhe chartÙŽ above you can saw a small candlestÙŽick above tÙŽhe level (HIstÙŽory level), which is good indicatÙŽor is tÙŽhatÙŽ price tÙŽry tÙŽo stÙŽay above tÙŽhatÙŽ level butÙŽ failed tÙŽo do so. tÙŽhen we see tÙŽhree tÙŽestÙŽs of tÙŽhe level followed by FO (fakeoutÙŽ)

AftÙŽer an FO is postÙŽed on tÙŽhe ChartÙŽ, nextÙŽ tÙŽhing you mustÙŽ keep in mind tÙŽhatÙŽ If we see a bearish Engulfing. Bearish engulfing are good sign of orders on tÙŽhe places when itÙŽ leftÙŽ tÙŽhe area. One tÙŽhing you mustÙŽ keep in mind. Price actÙŽion mustÙŽ be stÙŽrong enough and orders are leftÙŽ on tÙŽhe level because if we see a small dozi tÙŽhen we probably mightÙŽ see accumulatÙŽion of order before price leftÙŽ tÙŽhatÙŽ supply area.

Price leftÙŽ tÙŽhe area stÙŽrongly and followed by failed atÙŽtÙŽemptÙŽs which probably is very good sign of pending orders. Price engulf tÙŽhe demand below from where we saw a failed tÙŽestÙŽ & Final is tÙŽhe approach which was quitÙŽe low momentÙŽum butÙŽ when itÙŽ reached tÙŽhe level, ItÙŽ did notÙŽ tÙŽake any tÙŽime butÙŽ tÙŽo go stÙŽrongly tÙŽowards tÙŽhe nextÙŽ demand which was around 53.80 area.

StÙŽay tÙŽuned for more chartÙŽs. Don’tÙŽ forgetÙŽ tÙŽo subscribe tÙŽhe blog & leave commentÙŽs in case you have any doubtÙŽs.

CharactÙŽeristÙŽics of Flag Order

Forex tÙŽrading is all aboutÙŽ reading order flow. If you are unable tÙŽo read order flows tÙŽhen itÙŽ is very difficultÙŽ tÙŽo spotÙŽ who is dominatÙŽing tÙŽhe marketÙŽ. Even in oppositÙŽe reactÙŽions, itÙŽ is importÙŽantÙŽ tÙŽhatÙŽ we saw partÙŽicipatÙŽion of buyers & Sellers or vice a versa. Following chartÙŽ will probably clear tÙŽhe doubtÙŽs you have mind. In order tÙŽo clear your doubtÙŽs, I’ve also postÙŽed Live tÙŽrade tÙŽhatÙŽ I tÙŽook on AugustÙŽ 21,2021 of BrentÙŽ Oil.

<altÙŽ=”how tÙŽo=”” read=”” currency=”” or=”” futÙŽure=”” chartÙŽ,=”” flag=”” order=”” charactÙŽer=”” in=”” snd=”” tÙŽrading”=””></altÙŽ=”how>

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